Carrington’s Traffic Services have always been at the forefront when it comes to innovation and technology leaders of the industry.

We are the first in the state to use and implement the eSTOP and eBOOM traffic control system. The eBOOM consists of a portable BOOM device that can be positioned at the back of a traffic control vehicle and wirelessly controlled by a single traffic controller positioned out of harms way away from the live traffic. With one simple movement the lights will flash red and then the BOOM lowers to hold and control traffic until it is safe for continued movement through the site. Traffic controllers and workers can perform their duties outside the live traffic, this also introduces a physical barrier to protect the workforce.

Guides and Resources

Guide To Traffic Management

Traffic Management is the practice of managing the existing traffic environment to allow contractors to perform work duties safely without the possibility of incident or injury through conflict with traffic flows. General treatments include isolating the work area from traffic flows by implementing traffic lane closures, traffic lane diversions or road closures, depending on the Project requirements.

Work With Us


Do you enjoy working outdoors? Do you want flexible work conditions? Carringtons Traffic Services will offer you a great job with work hours that suit your lifestyle.  If you are interested in applying for a position, please click below:

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The Complete Traffic Management Solution

Carringtons Traffic Services understands the value and importance of servicing the client’s needs in a professional manner that promotes long term business relationships. Contact our friendly team today!