Given that claims for workers compensation and property damage can have a detrimental effect to a company through increased premiums and possible litigation, the preparation of a site specific Traffic Management Plan may reduce the risk of liability for a company when performing works on or near a carriageway, through identification and implementation of adequate control processes for traffic environments.
A Traffic Management Plan is an industry recognised procedure for identifying work site hazards and undertaking risk assessments to implement safe work methods. The staging of works will be structured to allow all work site personnel to manage their work duties safely on the work site within the scope of the project. Carringtons Traffic Services can prepare a site specific Traffic Management Plan that optimises the control procedures required to minimise the risks, to an acceptable level, when performing work duties.
Whilst the cost of preparing a site specific Traffic Management Plan can sometimes be the difference between winning and losing a job, does this cost translate into providing, as much as is reasonably practicable, a safe work site to allow your company to meet the minimum requirements of the OSH Act and Regulations in Western Australia?
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